Hearth Financial Not every homeowner has the cash on hand to perform a full re-roof replacement. In fact, 27% of households finance their entire improvement project. It’s an easy 3 step process. 1. Pre-Qualify Complete a short online financing request and can get...
The average life expectancy for an asphalt shingle roof in Florida is 15 years. If the roof is 15 years old or older, most insurance companies will not write or renew policies. In some cases, the insurance company will write a policy but it will come with a “buyer...
Pros of Solar Energy 1. Reduced Electric Bill The biggest pro of solar panels is the reduction in costs seen on your electricity bill. Solar energy can help most consumers supply power to your home as an alternative or supplement purchasing power from the grid. As a...
1. Licensed Professionals Have Knowledge and Experience A roof is a complex system including different components and multiple layers. All of these mechanisms work together in harmony to properly divert water off of your roof instead of into the home. State licensed...
The most common roofs on Florida homes are asphalt shingle roofs. This is due to their low cost and overall performance. Unfortunately, many shingle roofing manufacturers issue warranties in the range of 20-30 years, but their lifespans are, in fact, much shorter. ...